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第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强海上国际集装箱运输管理,明确有关各方责任,适应国家对外贸易的需要,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内设立的海上国际集装箱运输企业及与海上国际集装箱运输有关的单位和个人。
第三条 中华人民共和国交通部主管全国海上国际集装箱运输事业。
第四条 海上国际集装箱运输必须贯彻安全、准确、迅速、经济和文明服务的方针,积极发展门到门运输。

第二章 海上国际集装箱运输企业的开业审批
第五条 海上国际集装箱运输企业是指从事海上国际集装箱运输的航运企业、港口装卸企业及其承运海上国际集装箱的内陆中转站、货运站。
第六条 设立经营海上国际集装箱运输的航运企业,应当经省、自治区、直辖市交通主管部门审核,报交通部审批。
第七条 设立港口国际集装箱装卸企业应当经省、自治区、直辖市交通主管部门审批,报交通部备案。
第八条 设立中外合资经营、中外合作经营的海上国际集装箱运输企业,须经交通部审核同意后,按照有关法律、法规的规定,由对外经济贸易部审批。
第九条 设立经营海上国际集装箱运输的企业,应当具备以下条件:
第十条 交通主管部门应当根据申请经营海上国际集装箱运输企业的资金来源、设备情况、管理水平、货源情况,审核批准其业务经营范围。
第十一条 交通主管部门应当将批准文件发给获准经营海上国际集装箱运输的企业。取得批准文件的单位,凭该文件向工商行政管理部门申请登记注册,经核准发给营业执照后,方可开业。

第三章 货运管理
第十二条 用于海上国际集装箱运输的集装箱,应当符合国际集装箱标准化组织规定的技术标准和有关国际集装箱公约的规定。
第十三条 承运人及港口装卸企业应当保证运载集装箱的船舶、车辆、装卸机械及工具处于良好的技术状况,确保集装箱的运输及安全。
第十四条 承运人及港口装卸企业应当使用集装箱运输单证。
第十五条 承运人可以直接组织承揽集装箱货物,托运人可以直接向承运人或委托货运代理人洽办进出口集装箱货物的托运业务。
第十六条 托运人应当如实申报货物的品名、性质、数量、重量、规格。托运的集装箱货物,必须符合集装箱运输的要求,其标志应当明显、清楚。
第十七条 托运人或承运人在货物装箱前应当认真检查箱体,不得使用影响货物运输、装卸安全的集装箱。
第十八条 装运粮油食品、冷冻品等易腐食品的集装箱,须经商检机构检验合格后方可使用。
第十九条 集装箱货物运达目的地后,承运人应当及时向收货人发出提货通知,收货人应当在收到通知后,凭提单提货。
第二十条 海上国际集装箱的运费和其他费用,应当根据国家有关运输价格和费率的规定计收;国家没有规定的,按照双方商定的价格计收。任何单位不得乱收费用。
第二十一条 承运人及港口装卸企业,应当定期向交通主管部门报送运输统计报表。
第二十二条 与海上国际集装箱运输相关的各方应当及时相互提供集装箱运输信息。

第四章 交接和责任
第二十三条 承运人与托运人或收货人应当根据提单确定的交接方式,在码头堆场、货运站或双方商定的其他地点办理集装箱、集装箱货物交接。
第二十四条 参加海上国际集装箱运输的承运人、港口装卸企业应当按照下列规定办理集装箱交接:
第二十五条 集装箱交接时,交接双方应当检查箱号、箱体和封志。重箱凭封志和箱体状况交接;空箱凭箱体状况交接。
第二十六条 承运人、港口装卸企业对集装箱、集装箱货物的损坏或短缺的责任,交接前由交方承担,交接后由接方承担。但如果在交接后一百八十天内,接方能提出证据证明集装箱的损坏或集装箱货物的损坏或短缺是由交方原因造成,交方应当承担赔偿责任。法律另有规定的除外。
第二十七条 除法律另有规定外,承运人与托运人应当根据下列规定,对集装箱货物的损坏或短缺负责:
第二十八条 由于托运人对集装箱货物申报不实造成人员伤亡,运输工具、货物自身及其他货物、集装箱损失的,由托运人负责。
第二十九条 由于装箱人的过失,造成人员伤亡,运输工具、其他货物、集装箱损失的,由装箱人负责。
第三十条 集装箱货物发生损坏或短缺,对外索赔时需要商检部门鉴定出证的,应当依照《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》办理。

第五章 罚 则
第三十一条 无运输营业执照从事集装箱运输业务的,由交通主管部门责令其停止营业,由工商行政管理部门给予处罚。
第三十二条 违反本规定及国家有关物价法规收取运输费用的,由物价管理部门给予处罚。
第三十三条 违反运输单证管理规定的,由交通主管部门视情节轻重给予警告或罚款。
第三十四条 扰乱运输秩序或随意扩大业务经营范围的,由交通主管部门责令其整顿,并由工商行政管理部门给予处罚。
第三十五条 当事人对处罚决定不服的,可以在收到处罚通知的次日起十五日内,向处罚机关的上一级机关申请复议。接到复议申请的机关应当在三十日内作出复议决定。当事人对复议决定仍不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起十五日内向人民法院起诉。当事人逾期不申请复议、不起诉,又不履行处罚决定或复议决定的,作出处罚决定的机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。

第六章 附 则
第三十六条 本规定由交通部负责解释。
第三十七条 本规定自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by Decree No. 68 of the State Council of the People's
Republic of China on December 5, 1990, and effective as of the date of

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated in order to strengthen the administration
of maritime international container transport, to clearly define the
responsibilities of the various parties concerned, and to meet the State's
needs in handling foreign trade.
Article 2
These Provisions shall apply to those enterprises that are established
within the territory of the People's Republic of China for the handling of
maritime international container transport, and also to units and
individuals that are involved in the operations of maritime international
container transport.
Article 3
The Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China shall be
responsible for the administration of the operations of maritime
international container transport throughout the country.
Article 4
In conducting maritime international container transport, the principles
of safety, accuracy, speed, economy, and civilized services must be
followed and door-to-door transportation shall be actively developed.

Chapter II Procedures for the Examination and Approval of Applica- tions for the Establishment of Enterprises That Handle Maritime Inter- national Container Transport
Article 5
"Enterprises for the operations of maritime international container
transport" refers to those shipping enterprises that are engaged in
maritime international container transport, and also to those enterprises
that are engaged in port handling, with their inland transshipment
stations and freight stations that undertake maritime international
container transport.
Article 6
The applications for the establishment of enterprises that are engaged in
the operations of maritime international container transport shall be
submitted to the competent departments for communications of the
provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the
Central Government for examination and verification, and then to the
Ministry of Communications for examination and approval.
Article 7
The applications for the establishment of enterprises that are engaged in
port handling of international containers shall be submitted to the
competent departments for communications of the provinces, autonomous
regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government for
examination and approval, and then to the Ministry of Communications for
the record.
After the promulgation of these Provisions, the applications for the
establishment of new inland transshipment stations and freight stations
that undertake the transport of maritime international containers shall be
submitted first to the competent department that has established the said
enterprise for examination, verification, and consent; and then to the
competent departments for communications of the provinces, autonomous
regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government for
examination and approval; and finally to the Ministry of Communications
for the record. The procedures for the examination and approval of the
applications for the establishment of new transshipment stations and
freight stations that undertake the transport of maritime international
containers shall be formulated separately by the Ministry of
Communications in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Economic
Relations and Trade.
Article 8
The applications for the establishment of Chinese-foreign equity joint
ventures and Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures that handle
maritime international container transport shall be submitted to the
Ministry of Communications for examination, verification, and consent; and
shall then, in accordance with the provisions of the pertinent laws and
regulations, be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations
and Trade for examination and approval.
Article 9
The establishment of enterprises that are engaged in the operations of
maritime international container transport must satisfy the following
(1) to have transport vessels, transport motor vehicles, transport
equipment and other relevant facilities that correspond to their scope of
business and to the needs of their customers;
(2) to have the necessary organizational structure, site for setting up
their business office, and specialized administrative personnel;
(3) to have the registered capital and their own working capital that
meets the requirements of their business operations;
(4) to meet other conditions as stipulated by State laws, decrees and
regulations governing the establishment of enterprises.
Article 10
The competent department for communications shall examine, verify and
approve the scope of business operations of the enterprises that have
applied for the permission to handle maritime international container
transport in light of their sources of funds, the conditions of equipment
and facilities, the standard of administration, and the sources of
Article 11
The competent department of communications shall issue the approving
documents to those enterprises, which have obtained the approval to handle
maritime international container transport. The units that have received
the approving documents shall apply and go through the registration
procedures by presenting the aforesaid approving documents to the
administrative department for industry and commerce, which shall issue the
business licences after checking and approving the enterprises'
application: and only then shall the enterprises be permitted to start
business operations.
Cases concerning the establishment of inland transshipment stations and
freight stations that undertake the transport of maritime international
containers shall also be submitted to the Customs for the completion of
the registration procedures.

Chapter III Management of Freight Transportation
Article 12
The containers used in maritime international container transport shall
conform to the provisions and technical standards of the international
organization for the standardization of containers, and also to the
provisions of the pertinent international containers convention.
The owners and operators of containers shall do a good job in the
management and maintenance of containers and carry out regular
inspections, in order to guarantee the provision of containers that are
suitable for the transportation of cargoes. In case that the provisions
in the second paragraph of this Article have been violated, and, as a
result, goods are damaged or short in number or quantity, the person(s)
who is (are) held responsible for this shall bear the liability for
compensation in accordance with the pertinent provisions.
Article 13
Shippers and enterprises that are engaged in port handling, shall
guarantee that the vessels, motor vehicles, handling machinery and tools
are kept in a good technical condition, thereby ensuring the
transportation and safety of containers. In case that shippers and
enterprises that are engaged in port handling have violated the provisions
in the first paragraph of this Article, and, as a result, goods are
damaged or short in number or quantity, they shall bear the liability for
compensation in accordance with the pertinent provisions.
Article 14
Shippers and enterprises that are engaged in port handling shall use the
container shipping documents.
Article 15
Shippers may directly organize the contracting of the transportation of
container goods, and consignors may directly hold business talks with
shippers or commission shipping agents for the consignment of import and
export container goods.
Article 16
Consignors shall submit an accurate report on the names of goods, and
their property, quantity, weight, and specifications. The goods shipped by
consignment in containers must conform to the requirements of container
transport, and marks on the goods should be obvious and clear.
Article 17
Consignors or shippers shall, before vanning, carry out a careful
inspection of containers, and containers that might cause an adverse
effect on to the transportation and vanning of goods may not be used.
Article 18
Containers which are used for shipping such perishables as grains, edible
oils, and frozen food, shall be inspected by the department for commodity
inspection and found to be up to the standard before they are used for
Article 19
As soon as container goods have reached their destination, the shipper
shall promptly send a cargo delivery notice to the consignee; and the
consignee shall, upon receiving the notice, take delivery of goods on the
strength of the bill of lading. In case that the consignee fails to clear
the goods when the prescribed time limit is overdue, or that the consignee
fails to return the containers according to the prescribed time limit, the
said consignee shall be required to pay, in accordance with the pertinent
stipulations or with the agreement set forth in the contract, the
demurrage charge for the extended use of containers.
Article 20
The freight charges for maritime international container transport and
other expenses shall be calculated and collected in accordance with the
State provisions concerning shipping charges and charge rates. In the
absence of State provisions, the freight charges shall be calculated and
collected in accordance with the prices agreed upon by both parties. No
units shall be permitted to collect charges at random.
Article 21
Shippers and enterprises that are engaged in port handling, shall submit
periodical statistical statements on transportation to the competent
department for communications.
Article 22
Various parties that are involved in maritime international container
transport shall, in good time, provide each other with information
concerning container transport.

Chapter IV Hand-Over Procedures and Responsibilities
Article 23
Shippers and consignors or consignees shall, in accordance with the hand-
over method stipulated in the bill of lading, handle the hand-over
operations of containers and container goods at marshalling yards, freight
stations, or other places agreed upon by the two parties concerned.
Article 24
Shippers and enterprises that are engaged in port handling, which take
part in maritime international container transport, shall handle the hand-
over operations in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) maritime shippers shall handle the hand-over operations alongside
vessel through the tally companies and enterprises that are engaged in
port handling;
(2) with respect to containers transported by waterways through nodal
points, the enterprises that engaged in port handling and waterway
carriers shall handle the hand-over operations alongside vessel;
(3) with respect to containers transported by highways through nodal
points, the enterprises that engaged in port handling and highway carriers
shall handle the hand-over operations at the gate of the container
(4) with respect to containers transported by railway through nodal
points, the enterprises that engaged in port handling or highway carriers
and railway carriers shall handle the hand-over operations at the site of
Article 25
While handling the hand-over operations of containers, the two handling
parties shall check the container numbers, the bodies of containers and
the containers' marking seals. The loaded containers shall be handed over
by their marking seals and by the condition of container body: and the
empty containers shall be handed over by condition of container body.
After checking the container numbers, the bodies of containers and the
marking seals, the two handling parties shall make a record and confirm it
by appending their signatures to the record.
Article 26
With respect to the liabilities of shippers and enterprises that are
engaged in port handling for the damage and loss of containers and
container goods, before the hand-over operations, the liabilities shall be
taken up by the handing-over party; after the hand-over operations, the
liabilities shall be taken up by the receiving party. However, if, within
180 days immediately after the hand-over operations, the receiving party
is able to produce evidence to testify to the fact that the damage of the
containers, or the damage and loss of container goods, were caused by the
handing-over party, then the handing-over party shall take up the
liabilities for compensation, unless otherwise provided by law.
Article 27
Unless otherwise provided by law, shippers and consignors shall, in
accordance with the following provisions, take up the liabilities for the
damage or loss of container goods:
(1) With respect to those goods, the vanning of which is done by the
shippers, if the goods in the containers are damaged or are short in
number or quantity during the period of time from the day the shippers
receive the goods to the day when the goods reach their destination but
before they are handed over to the consignees, the shippers shall take up
the liabilities for the damage or shortage.
(2) With respect to those goods, the vanning of which is done by the
consignors, if the container bodies and the marking seals have remained
intact but the goods (in the containers) have been damaged or are short in
number or quantity during the period of time from the completion of the
vanning and the completion of the procedures for consignment to the day
before the containers are handed over to the consignees, the consignors
shall take up the liabilities for the damage or shortage; if the container
bodies are damaged or the marking seals broken, and the goods in the
containers are also damaged or are short in number or quantity, the
shippers shall take up the liabilities for the damage or shortage.
The time limits for shippers and consignors or consignees to raise claims
for compensation shall be limited to no more than 180 days, beginning from
the day when container goods are handed over, unless otherwise provided by
Article 28
In case that the consignors' inaccurate or false declaration on container
goods has resulted in injuries and death of personnel, or in the loss of
means of transport of the goods proper and the containers, or of other
goods, the consignors shall bear the liabilities for the consequences
arising therefrom.
Article 29
In case that the fault of the person in charge of the vanning has resulted
in injuries and death of personnel, or in the loss of means of transport,
of other goods, or containers, the aforesaid person shall bear the
liabilities for the consequences arising therefrom.
Article 30
In case that the damage or shortage in number or quantity of container
goods involves a claim for compensation from a foreign unit, which
necessitates an appraisal and the issue of the relevant certificate by the
administrative department for commodity inspection, the case shall be
handled in accordance with the provisions in the Law of the People's
Republic of China on the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities. In
case that the shortage in number or quantity of containers or container
goods involves a claim for compensation from a foreign unit, which
necessitates the issue of the relevant certificate by the tally
department, the case shall be handled in accordance with the pertinent

Chapter V Provisions on Penalties
Article 31
With respect to those who are engaged in container transport business
without a business licence for handling transport business, the competent
department for communications shall order them to cease business
operations, and penalties shall be imposed on them by the administrative
department for industry and commerce.
Article 32
With respect to those who have received shipping charges in violation of
these Provisions and the relevant laws and regulations of the State on
commodity prices, they shall be penalized by the department for the
control of commodity prices.
Article 33
With respect to those who have violated the administration of transport
documents, they shall be given an administrative warning or a pecuniary
penalty by the competent department for communications in light of the
seriousness of the cases.
Article 34
With respect to those who have disturbed the normal order of
transportation or have expanded their scope of business without
authorization, they shall be ordered by the competent department for
communications to carry out rectification of their business, and shall be
penalized by the administrative department for industry and commerce.
Article 35
In the event that the person concerned does not accept the decision on
penalties, he/she may, within 15 days as of the first day after the
receipt of the notice of the decision on penalties, appeal to the
competent department immediately above the punishing department for
reconsideration of the aforesaid decision on penalties. The competent
department that has received the appeal for reconsideration shall, within
30 days (after receiving the appeal), make the decision on
reconsideration. If the person concerned still does not accept the
decision of the reconsideration, he/she may, within 15 days immediately
after receiving the decision on reconsideration, bring a suit before a
people's court. If the person concerned neither appeal for
reconsideration, nor bring a suit before the people's court, nor execute
the decision on penalties or the decision of the reconsideration within
the prescribed period of time, the department that has made the decision
on penalties may apply to the people's court for enforcement.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 36
The right to interpret these Provisions resides in the Ministry of
Communications. The Ministry of Communications may formulate the rules for
implementation in accordance with these Provisions.
Article 37
These Provisions shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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第一条 为了加强对事业单位非经营性国有资产转经营性国有资产(以下简称非经营性资产转经营性资产)的管理,根据国家国有资产管理局、财政部联合发布的《行政事业单位国有资产管理办法》的有关规定,制定本实施办法。
第二条 非经营性资产是指事业单位为完成国家事业发展计划和开展业务活动所占有、使用的资产。经营性资产是指事业单位用于从事生产经营活动的资产。非经营性资产转经营性资产是指事业单位在保证完成本单位正常工作前提下,按照国家有关政策规定,将非经营性资产转作经营
第三条 非经营性资产转经营性资产的主要方式:
第四条 下列资产不准转作经营性使用:
第五条 非经营性资产转经营性资产的审批程序:
第六条 非经营性资产转经营性资产,在经过主管部门审核同意以后,必须按《国有资产评估管理办法》的有关规定进行资产评估。
第七条 事业单位对批准转作经营的资产,享有收益权;承担投入资产的安全完整和保值增值的监督责任。
第八条 事业单位对转作经营的资产要建立专项管理制度。
第九条 对事业单位非经营性资产转经营性资产,坚持有偿使用原则。以实际转作经营的国有资产总额为基数、按季(或年)度收取一定比例的国有资产占用费。
第十条 事业单位在申办非经营性资产转经营性资产过程中,不得弄虚作假;主管部门不得出具伪证;国有资产管理部门不得循私舞弊。对违反本实施办法的,要追究单位负责人和直接责任人的经济责任和行政责任,构成犯罪的交由司法部门处理。对用非经营性资产转作经营性使用,
第十一条 境外事业单位非经营性资产转经营性资产的管理办法,国家国有资产管理局依据本实施办法另行制定。
第十二条 中国人民解放军以及经国家批准的某些特定的事业单位非经营性资产转经营性使用的管理办法,由解放军总后勤部和有关主管部门会同国家国有资产管理局依照本实施办法另行制定。
第十三条 各类占有、使用国有资产的行政机关、党派、社会团体和集体性质的事业单位参照本实施办法执行。
第十四条 本实施办法实施前已经转作经营的资产,由各级国有资产管理部门和主管部门负责按本实施办法予以规范。
第十五条 各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市可根据本实施办法的原则制定相应的实施细则。
第十六条 本实施办法由国家国有资产管理局负责解释。
第十七条 本实施办法自发布之日起施行。

用 途:______
编 号:______
非 经 营 性 资 产
| 投 资 单 位 申 报 |
| 投 资 |单位名称| |法人代表| |
| |----|----------|----|--------|
| |单位性质| |主管部门| |
| 单 位 |----|----------|----|--------|
| |单位地址| |单位邮编| |
| 接受投资 |单位名称| |法人代表| |
| (拟开办)|----|----------|----|--------|
| 单 位 |单位地址| |组织形式| |
| | 资 产 来 源 | |
| |---------|-------------------|
| 申 请 | 资 产 总 额 | |
| |---------|-------------------|
| 转 为 | 其中:固定资产 | |
| |---------|-------------------|
| 经 营 | 流动资产 | |
| |---------|-------------------|
| 性 的 | 无形资产 | |
| |---------|-------------------|
| 资 产 | 其 他 | |
| |---------|-------------------|
| | 转经营形式| |
| | | 经办人 |
| 申 报 | | 电 话 |
| | |-------------|
| | | 负责人 |
| 理 由 | | (公章) |
| | | 年 月 日 |

| 资 产 评 估 (重估) 确 认 结 果 |
| 评估(重估)前价值 | | 确认价值 | |
| 评估(重估)后价值 | | 确认单位 | |
| 评 估 单 位 | | 确认文号 | |

| |
| 审 核 审 批 意 见 |
| |
| | | 经办人 |
| 主 管 | | |
| | | 电 话 |
| 部 门 | |--------------|
| | | 负责人 |
| 审 核 | | (公章) |
| | | |
| 意 见 | | 年 月 日 |
| | | 经办人 |
| 国 有 | | |
| | | 电 话 |
| 资 产 | |--------------|
| | | |
| 管 理 | | 负责人 |
| | | |
| 部 门 | | (公章) |
| | | |
| 审 批 | | |
| | | |
| 意 见 | | |
| | | 年 月 日 |
| |
| 审 定 结 果 |
| |
| 经核准转为经营性资产总额 | |
| 其中:固定资产 | | 无形资产 | |
| 流动资产 | | 其它资产 | |
| | |
| 其他需审 | |
| | |
| 定的项目 | |
| | |
附:非经营性资产转经营性资产清单 金额单位:元
| 名 |结 构|购 建| 单 | 数 | 帐 面 | 备 |
| | | | | |-------| |
| 称 |规格型号|时 间| 位 | 量 |原 值|净 值| 注 |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |

附件二 非经营性资产转经营性资产申报审批表填表说明







第一章 总则

第一条 为提高铁路在运输市场的竞争力,适应旅客需求,创出铁路的名牌产品,特制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称快速列车为采用快速动力和快速车辆,旅行速度达90km以上的列车。夕发朝至列车为运距在1500km以内,旅行时间在12h左右,16点至23点之间发车,次日5点至11点到达终点站的列车。

第二章 设备备品

第三条 列车车辆应采用造型新颖高雅,舒服,有性能良好的空调设备以及方便旅客旅行生活设施的25型或优于25型的新型车辆。编组中编挂普通型车辆时,应按该车辆的价格售票。

第四条 列车内的设备设施必须齐全好用。照明、消防、空调、电茶炉等设施必须处于良好的运用状态。

第五条 列车硬席车厢应有质地良好的坐套、小台布和遮光帘、纱帘。

第六条 硬卧、软卧的走廊和包房内应有地毯。车窗有纱帘、遮光帘。铺位上有质地良好的纯棉布棉褥(毛毯)、褥单、棉被、被罩、枕蕊、枕套。茶桌有台布、不锈钢盘。软卧还应有衣架、拖鞋、衣刷、不锈钢暖瓶(防倒架)、带盖细瓷茶杯、卫生桶。

第七条 卧具应整洁。被单、褥单应洁白无污迹。直接接触人体的卧具应消毒烫平使用,


第八条 餐车应有棉、麻台布、细瓷餐具、四味架、牙签盅、口纸杯、椅套、车窗有遮光帘和纱布,墙壁悬挂工艺字画。橱窗内的摆设应丰满、美观大方、讲求艺术。瓷餐具破损应及时更换。

第九条 车内的各种装饰应典雅,色调协调。车内的广告应与车内的环境相协调。广告应符和《广告法》和国务院铁路主管部门的有关归定。

第三章 人员

第十条 列车乘务人员应选派五官端正、体态端庄,身体健康,政治素质好,具有高中或相当于高中以上的学历,能够熟知和运用铁路客运规章,女身高1.64m左右、男身高


第十一条 客运乘务员应熟知列车沿途的风景名胜、历史文化、地方物产、风土人情等。软卧列车员至少能用英语为旅客服务。

第十二条 客运乘务员执乘时,应着装高雅、大方、统一,仪容整洁,精神饱满,佩带规定的标志,女乘务员可施淡妆。

第四章 安全正点

第十三条 要加强对“两炉一灶一电”的管理。“两炉一灶一电”必须有持有合格证的人员操作。锅炉清灰时不得离人。锅炉队近严禁堆放易燃物品,电源、刀闸处严禁挂、防物品。

第十四条 要加强旅行安全常识和禁带危险品的宣传。发现危险品应及时妥善处理,消除危险。

第十五条 列车乘务员应熟知消防器材、紧急制动阀的性能及使用、操作。对列车上发生的紧急情况应会做应急处理。

第十六条 餐车排烟罩应及时清理。列车运行中严禁大量油炸食品,小量过油时,油量不超过容器的三分之一。

第十七条 其它行车各有关工种应认真贯彻部围歼旅客列车事故100条细化措施,把安全工作落实到每个岗位。

第十八条 各级行车有关人员要维护列车正常秩序, 各级调度人员要精心指挥,必须按等级会让,重点掌握列车运行情况,确保正点。

第五章 服务

第十九条 应积极主动为旅客服务,对旅客在旅行中发生的困难应千方百计予以解决。对重点旅客应重点照顾。

第二十条 服务时应礼貌、热情,讲普通话。讲话时应音量适当,用语准确得体,简洁清晰。根据不同的服务对象运用恰当的称呼。

第二十一条 举止端庄,行动稳健,在卧铺车行走、讲话、关门要轻。回答旅客提问应站稳,坐着时应起立,双手自然下垂,目视对方,保持距离,不用手势。

第二十二条 执行职务时不准挠痒、吸烟、吃东西、掏耳朵、抠鼻子、剔牙、叉腰、手叉衣兜。不准高声喧哗、说笑打闹、勾肩搭背。

第二十三条 执行职务4h以前和在执行职务中不准吃生葱生蒜等有异味的食品。

第二十四条 进入包房时,应先敲门,经允许后方可入内。离开时,应退出包房后转身离去。客人离开包房时应及时整理包房卫生。

第二十五条 卧铺车的卧具必须在旅客下车后收取。其他作业程序应遵循部颁《列车乘务工作标准》。

第二十六条 餐车上餐具、上饭菜、撤餐具要托盘化。上菜时应报菜名,服务动作不要过大,不准探身过远、隔人递送物品,举止、手持物品不得高于客人面部,动作要轻、稳、准、快。对到餐车用餐的 客人应来有迎声,走有送声。

第二十七条 车内温度冬季应不低于22'c,夏季不高于26'c,应保持空气新鲜。非空调车内的温度执行《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定的标准。

第二十八条 广播应及时转播新闻联播。其它节目的编排应符合旅行特点,健康、轻松、活泼、亲切。

第二十九条 列车应免费向旅客发放标准不低于5元的快餐或旅游纪念品、消闲食品、饮料。

第六章 环境卫生

第三十条 车容庄重整洁、美观大方、标志鲜明。行李架物品摆放整齐牢固。各种工具备品、餐料存放定位、隐藏。方向牌、内外顺号牌、活动顺号牌、各种服务标志齐全整齐。

 第三十一条 车厢内外整洁,窗明几净,四壁无尘,无鼠、蟑、臭虫。厕所无异味。

 第三十二条 列车始发做到:车厢无死角,坐席铺位无积垢,地面、暖气管洁净,厕所无臭味,镜子、瓷件、电镀件洁净光亮,各排水孔畅通,餐桌、橱、柜、冰箱、炉台、作业台无油垢。



  第三十三条 车厢内不准吸烟并设有宣传标志。吸烟处有设施。

  第三十四条 垃圾一律装袋处理并按照部、局规定处理地点投放。

  第三十五条 餐车出售的商品和自制品必须严格执行《食品卫生法》》。

第七章 运输组织

第三十六条 列车运输组织工作要严格执行部铁运[1994]118号文件的规定,列车票额严格由计划室统一管理,直接投放窗口的票额不少于80%。为避免双优列车虚糜,必要时,可分配一定数量的无座号。

第三十七条 对售票的发售办法、预售时间,应采取各种方式大张旗鼓的向社会宣传,窗口的剩余票额即使向旅客公布。

第三十八条 对固定订票户使用票额的兑现情况,车站应予以考核,对有倒卖车票行为的户头应坚决予以取消。

第三十九条 加强对铁路功用乘车证订票的管理,对使用情况追踪考核,对浪费票额的按照全程全票价的标准进行罚款。

第四十条 各级主管部门应加大考核售票日班计划兑现率的力度,检查票额浪费的原因,坚决杜绝浪费票额的现象。站车要认真做好信息传报和客流组织工作,保证运能合理运用。


第八章 其它

第四十一条 列车全程运行时间在12小时以内的,原则采用单班乘务制,不编挂宿营车和餐车。

第四十二条 列车乘务员的工资应按照高于普通列车乘务员的原则确定。

第四十三条 各级客运主管部门应对本办法规定的列车进行定量检查并做出抽测质量记录。

第四十四条 出现下列质量问题之一项时,国务院铁路主管部门可以取消票价上浮部分或部分或降低上浮幅度。





第四十五条 本办法未尽事项按照部颁规章和标准执行。

第四十六条 夕发朝至列车中的普通列车也要提高服务质量,改善设备设施,不断提高服务水平和档次。

第四十七条 本办法自1997年4月1日起实行。本办法由铁道部运输局负责解释。